HTC10 Pics + Updates

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I hope your holidays have been filled with all your favorite things!

I’ve missed you the past two weeks. When I’d long to write, an inner voice would berate saying, “You should be studying.” And I agreed. As soon as I finished hosting HTC10 (pics above, full album here), my attention turned fully to study guides.

Last Thursday’s social work clinical licensing exam was top priority so life was put on hold for two weeks. I knew I would soon be free to write, read books beyond clinical terms, and make social plans, but I had to get through Thursday.

Since leaving the large, grey, concrete building where I sat for four grueling hours debating A, B, C, or D, I’ve been sleeping. A lot.

There’s so much I’m eager to share—Savvy Sources, my studying process and pics. And so much I want to do—end of year reflection, 2017 dreams, read, write, regroup.

But for now, I’m still recovering from my system’s shock to standardized test-taking. It took until after Friday’s noon yoga class for the adrenaline to stop rushing through my body.

I’ll be back soon and feel so much bubbling over—eager to be released and shared. For now, I’m going to walk through the woods, sip tea, nap, and hit the reset button. Oh, and read some great non-clinical books!

Wishing you a beautiful Boxing Day. I hope Santa was good to you and you, too, are able to hit the reset button. Bisous. x

P.S. I passed the exam! Thanks for all your well wishes. They definitely helped.