soon the daffodils will be peeking out of winter’s barren earth and we, too, can begin to reemerge. how would *you* like to emerge this spring? hmmm, i have a few ideas and they definitely tie into my dreams below. february passed quickly: short month, blizzards, valentine’s. somehow it didn’t hit me until the 4th or 5th that i had missed evaluating and setting my monthly goals. uh oh!
this process is a treat because it ensures my daily/monthly goals stay aligned with my bigger picture goals. below are my march dreams coupled with my review of february’s dreams. how did your dreams unfold in february? big plans for march? let’s help keep each other accountable!
my march dreams:
1. daily live videos via ustream during west coast tour. tune in here.
2. ongoing tweets during west coast tour. follow here (#tranquilistatour).
3. informative + inspirational tv interviews in san diego, san francisco, sacramento, portland, vancouver over next few days.
4. informative + inspirational events in LA, portland, seattle, vancouver.
5. fun, inspiring tranquilology teleclass: 8 new petals for spring.
6. ship out tranquility toolkits to oh-so-talented creativity circle graduates.
7. launch *new* tranquilista ecourse.
8. finalize placement for fall 2010/spring 2011 MSW internship.
9. successful shoulder surgery on thursday, march 25. boo.
10. bask in “realizing your true nature” all-day workshop with tara brach on march 20.
11. flair-filled booksigning at breathe books in baltimore.
12. start each day with 10-minutes of meditation.
13. launch ballet-inspired spring TranquiliT collection: special dc event on march 21.
14. share results + implement suggested changes in tranquil space survey (680 responses).
15. surround myself with fresh flowers.
16. daily yin yoga.
17. continue to phase out time-wasters: immediate response to emails, try (again) for email checking, facebook checking, twitter checking limited to a few times/day.
18. answer up to 3 questions each day on formspring to serve up inspiration + ideas.
19. don flower pins, pearls, feathers, and sparkles to accentuate favored noir look.
20. prep for tranquil space foundation‘s exciting luna fest event.
21. daily green smoothie sipping. for ideas on how to make yours, click here.
my february dreams:
1. finalize west coast book tour (march 6-12 – deets to come) – DONE, DETAILS HERE
2. finalize and order spring TranquiliT collection (today) – DONE, LAUNCHES LATER THIS MONTH
3. finalize india retreat (coleading with darren main november 12-21 – deets to come) – DONE, DETAILS HERE
4. complete blogging your way e-course homework each week – READ IT EACH WEEK, DIDN’T DO IT. BOO.
5. do MSW readings – DONE PLUS 2 PAPERS + ONE EXAM. UGH.
6. chez moi organizing (feb. 13) – OVERALL RESCHEDULED DUE TO SNOW.
7. host two dinner dates (feb. 17 + 25) -DONE.
8. return to weekly ashtanga practice – DID ONCE, HAD TO MODIFY. SHOULDER SURGERY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 25.
9. bask in “mindfulness on the job” workshop (feb. 27) – DONE, LOVED IT.
10. productive, fun spring TranquiliT photo shoot (feb. 28) – DONE, WENT SWIMMINGLY.
11. play date evening with girlfriend (feb. 12) – DONE – YOGA, ARTIST DATE, DINING.
12. launch etsy store/design strategic plan/determine strategic use of time and energy (carryovers from january) – STILL IN PROGRESS. ETSY MAY BE PUT ON HOLD FOR A BIT.
13. more consistent scheduling/morning ritual/meditation – STILL IN PROGRESS.