midwest musings #4

love notes
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tonight i rest in a sweet yogini’s home alone after an action-packed day in chicago. it began with more hours of booth time, then a quick break down and transport to the city for an afternoon workshop i was leading at namaskar in lakeview. the attached photos show the hip opening workshop in action. note the gorgeous lavender walls and curtains, fabulous altar, and great funky lighting. two former tranquil spacers (laura & jessica) graced me with their presence, and jessica brought cookies from trader joe’s as a sweet sentiment (we always serve tea and cookies after each class). what a treat! after some sushi and gabbing with studio owner chris, i’m settling in exhausted after 5 days of travel and conferencing.

i find excursions like this to be a great reminder of the many lives we touch on a daily basis. it’s truly phenomenal. many of the vendors at this show eagerly ask one another “when will i see you next? will you be at such and such show?” it’s really sweet because you connect on a certain level with people who you would never meet living a safe status quo life. what i mean is that putting yourself out there enables you to connect with new people who enhance your life when your paths cross. if i only sold tranquiliT at the studio, i would never have met such interesting people with such great stories.

every day i am reminded of the power that stepping outside of my comfort zone will have on my world. every day i am amazed at the connections that can be made with other people. i hope to never take this sacred act for granted. wishing you lots of great connections and comfort zone strikes! off to sleep like a baby as i’m back in dc tomorrow. signing off from the midwest . . .