musings and happenings

love notes
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happy thursday. how did the week swim by so quickly? weeks always seem short when i’m away for a couple days. new york is always beneficial and i’ve got a quick bus journey again on monday. off to designers and agents – a very cool emerging designers show where there is creativity in the air, then to hear danny meyer speak at a learning annex workshop. i picked up his book and think it is fabulous. love his philosophy and can’t wait to see him in person.

today i met with my leadership study buddy and this week’s lesson was really good. honestly, it talked me down from a ledge after encountering a not-so-pleasant e-mail exchange. the week’s lesson was filled with quotes and i wanted to share a few fabulous ones with you:

we must become the change we want to see in the world. mahatma gandhi

if we are willing to take an unbiased look, we will find that, in spite of all our problems and confusion, all our emotional and psychological ups and downs, there is something basically good about our existence as human beings. unless we discover that ground of goodness in our lives, we cannot hope to improve the lives of others. if we are simply miserable and wretched beings, how can we possibly imagine, let alone create an enlightened society? cogyam trungpa

experiencing the basic goodness of our lives makes us feel that we are intelligent and decent people and that the world is not a thread. when we feel that our lives are genuine and good, we do not have to deceive ourselves or other people. we can see our own shortcomings without feeling guilty or inadequate, and at the same time we can see our potential for extending goodness to others. we can tell the truth straightforwardly and be absolutely open, but steadfast at the same time. chogyam trungpa

by meditation here we mean something very basic and simple that is not tied to any one culture. we are talking about a very basic act: sitting on the ground, assuming a good posture, and developing a sense of our spot, our place on this earth. this is the means of rediscovering ourselves and our basic goodness, the means to tune ourselves in to genuine reality, without any expectations or preconceptions. chogyam trungpa

Save the date: Baltimore Booksigning

Making Herstory 3: Connected Sisterhood! This exhibition is scheduled to held at Peace and A Cup of Joe Cafe in Baltimore, Maryland from March 2-April 18, 2008. In addition to visual art, we will also celebrate the literary talents of women as well as celebrate the creativity of women. Sunday, March 9 3-6pm. Come meet me and some other lovely ladies as we share our books in celebration of Women’s History Month! Scoop at