My Daily Practice

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I hope you, too, were inspired by this interview with Eric Maisel on the power of daily practice. He’s one of my favorite guests and I always come away with a new nugget (or three) from our chat.

In the introduction to his new book, The Power of Daily Practice, he writes, “Daily practice is as much about paying attention to your life purpose choices as it is about getting something done. . . It is an invaluable way to make daily meaning and to live your life purposes fully.”

He goes on to describe a daily practice as, “A time carved out from the day when you pay real attention, it has a beginning and an end, and it is characterized by certain elements of practice.” He describes these 20 elements in part I of the book and they range from playfulness to discipline to regularity to innovation.

For me, most days include a practice of:

1) dress-up (my uniform)/skin care/makeup
2) journaling/seeing clients/creating content/admin/writing
3) movement (yoga or ballet)
4) nourishment

While this sounds balanced, I know there’s room for growth. For example, less doomscrolling, more writing. Less toggling between tabs, more focused time. Less book buying, more book reading. Less frozen pizza, more salad. To name a few.

Have you considered your own daily practice(s)? Does it feel like your daily activities are moving you toward a bigger purpose? Can you commit to incorporating a 10-minute daily practice that will move you closer to a life dream? Bisous. x

What one small shift could make a big difference?