Packing for Paris

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Paris is always a good idea.—Audrey Hepburn

Nine years ago I spent two weeks in Paris during another dark, drizzly November. That jaunt marked my first time to the City of Light since a backpacking trip post-college 14 years earlier.

Immediately mesmerized, I vowed to return again and again. I’d found a place where my soul came alive.

Tonight I’m heading back to Paris.

Why? Because I found a $450 ticket (nearly a $1,000 savings) and I desperately need to nurture my creative spark and this city fuels it.

I’m eager to retreat to sidewalk cafes with a pot of thé vert à la menthe, a journal, and pens. Basically, it’s one BIG Artist Date. With limited plans beyond a few meetups, I simply plan to write, dream, write.

Oh, and soak in the clawfoot tub I scored in my $100/night AirBnB.

You provided such thoughtful ideas in last week’s survey and I look forward to creating something that will bring meaning and delight. Pondering that while being a flâneur is definitely on my to-do list.

As Thomas Jefferson so beautifully said, “A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of life.”

Yesterday I began packing and snapped the photo below. Sharing what’s inside has become tradition (here’s my summer Bon Voyage Facebook Live video where I gave a peek, a scarf-tying lesson, and an itemized list).

Although I tend to overpack (considering I wear the same thing over and over AND there’s usually a washing machine in the rented apartments), I like to show that we really don’t need much for one to six weeks in France—especially when packing TDJ.

While on these solo jaunts, I feel like I’m bringing you, dear readers, along on the journey. Truly. I dream up ways to serve you and enjoy sharing the experience while away. During that November 2009 trip mentioned above, I was in the midst of designing a new blog look and setting up 2010’s guest bloggers while wandering the city.

Look for inspiring photos over on Instagram and here, plus I hope to do a live event or two. Stay tuned!

I return on Thanksgiving with plans to spend it in the woods with my petite famille while hovered around a fire and wish each of you a beautiful launch into the holidays.

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Bisous. x