5 Reasons to Retreat

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





5 Reasons to Retreat With Us

1. You’re seeking support to navigate this tricky time using proven techniques for finding more beauty and tranquility in the every day—journaling, yoga, meditation, creativity.

2. You appreciate a “digital goody bag” (aka 34-page Guidebook) filled with a jazzy Spotify playlist, my go-to plant-based recipes, how-tos, worksheets, savvy sources, and more! Oh, and you like bonuses (will be announced at the retreat).

3. You crave community with like-hearted souls from Jordan, Canada, across the US, France, Belgium, UK and to connect through our private Facebook group. Or, you’re welcome to make this a solitary experience, too—whatever you need is encouraged!

Following the last retreat, I counted up all the retreats I’ve done with Kimberly (in one form or another) and the grand total was 9! And I’m anxious to sign up for the next one!! I’ve completed short virtual retreats, long virtual retreats, Salons, Year of Tranquility, and multiple international retreats–and I love them all.  I like Kimberly’s content, perspective, and approach to topics like mindfulness and creativity. Everyone needs a little dose of #tranquilitydujour during times like these. —Hilary R.

4. You love learning and are excited about: 10 types of wellness, hitting the pause button to reflect, designing a wellness plan, creating your ideal schedule during this time, practicing all-level yoga, tools to decrease anxiety, moving through guided mindfulness practices, and engaging in creative play with ephemera and a Sharpie.

5. You appreciate practicing self-care and engaging in personal growth within a thoughtful community and a safe space and look forward to retreating again with the replay.

Make an investment in yourself and your soul. You deserve it! I’m honored to be your guide on Saturday’s journey. See you at the virtual retreat . . .

Given the uncertain times, I am so thankful to spend 3 hours with like-hearted women.  Kimberly creates an environment that is both nurturing and nourishing. It gives people space to try new things. In addition, the retreat packet is a great reference guide during the retreat and afterwards.  In the packet, she provides several tranquility practices (e.g. mindfulness, self-compassion, yoga, etc.). This packet is easy enough for beginners to understand and provides great reminders for seasoned mindfulness students. The retreat was a fun experience because she uses active exercises that help the retreaters get out of their head and into their body. Thank you Kimberly for sharing your knowledge and being inspiring! —Betsy