Save the Date: TDJ Brunch

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How was your week? How are you?

For some of us, we just finished week four of #quarantinelife. I’m acclimating surprisingly well, probably because I’m healthy, well-stocked on kombucha, my loved ones are healthy, and I’m a fan of the slower pace.

Not to say this is easy, but I’ve moved past shock and am deep into the establishing-a-new-routine mode.

So far it includes a return to my daily exercise groove (yay!), seeing therapy clients and friends virtually (so I have to get ready in the AM), caring for four rescue pets (needy little monkeys), helping Mom manage the face mask orders (thanks for supporting her!), consuming a lot of rose-flavored kombuchas (Bubbly Rose by Healthade and Rose Bliss by Better Booch), and creating new content in fits and starts (exhibit A).

Unfortunately, per usual, there’s also that voice that’s continuously asking why more isn’t getting done. You know, all those e-courses I’d planned to complete and/or create when I had more time, the decluttering project, the books to read, and on and on. Do you have one of those voices, too?

Many have shared that it’s hard to focus and/or stay motivated right now despite potentially having more time and space on their hands. If that’s you, too, here’s a piece from the Post that you may enjoy. The key is to be gentle with ourselves and know that a global pandemic is NOT normal, so we’re doing the best we can.

SAVE THE DATE for another TDJ brunch (video from first one) on Saturday, April 18 at noon ET. Your invite and Zoom link is HERE. We’ll explore ways to navigate this time with gentleness and a splash of intentional focus. I look forward to hosting you!

Wishing you a smooth Saturday filled with deep breaths, movement, and a much-deserved nap. Bisous. x