scenes from art retreat

love notes
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 tribute to gramma spread
 heart + meaning spread
 cover of art journal
 hanging glass hearts
prettied up idea book
bonjour from bed. time to rise and shine, but wanted to share a quick update first. 
my time here in mexico has been the perfect opportunity to process my gramma’s ailing health. i got a text on tuesday that she was “failing fast” and i lost it. for some reason, i’d gotten the impression (translate: hope or denial) that she was improving somewhat. i spent tuesday evening rearranging weekend travel plans (now back to texas vs dc), getting subs for monday classes, and shed tons of tears. planned to go to sleep by 8pm, but i don’t think sleep presented itself until shortly after midnight. 
yesterday was better. i was able to be process the grief differently and accepted where we as a family were at right now. not easy, simply less tears. i know this will ebb and flow. last night a few of us traveled into town and i picked up an assortment of those gorgeous glass hearts to give as gifts, had chunky, fresh guacamole, and sipped a hibiscus bubbly beverage topped with a sliver of grapefruit immersed in sugar. um, don’t mind if i do! 
life has a funny way of working out. i signed up for this retreat mid-year 2011. there is no way i could have known gramma would be in hospice care or i would need space away to process. yet here i am. sometimes simply trusting the process, the experience, the journey is our best way to move forward. plant the seeds, water them regularly, provide adequate sunshine, then step aside to let life unfold.
now to consume a breakfast of granola, papaya, and leche de soya followed by a day of art journaling, processing, and trusting.
bisous. x