so i took an artist’s date in between studio errand running on sunday and reconnected with an excited child within. sequins is EVERYWHERE this season and it makes my heart sing. i hit a few fabric and craft stores out in virginia and came across rolls of sequins. i had to buy some! add it to tee shirts, pieces of the tranquiliT clothing line, my hair, my yoga mat, anything, i just had to have it. pink, black, white, silver and gold. i have to confess that it was the most fun i’ve had in awhile. you know, that kid in a candy store feeling. it made me question, why did it take me making a detour from my day off doing studio errands to own such a feeling? shouldn’t i have spurts of sequins therapy everyday? there are ways to bring a little bit of sequins into life everyday. treating myself to a calm tea at starbucks, not responding “yes!” to every request that comes through my in box, taking a bath with a lush bomb, and just looking for small ways to awaken that playful child within.
if you’re looking for ways to add a dash of sequins into your own life, visit your local fabric, craft or paper store and notice how those excited feelings of play can return to brighten up your regular routine. we all deserve more sequins in our lives!