tranquil space world tour musings

love notes
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i’ve taught the 3-hour new year’s reflective practice at all 3 tranquil space locations over the past few days. alas, my “world tour” is over. so fun to see all the inspired and excited faces ready to take on 2009.

since returning from oklahoma a week ago tonight, life has been moving at uber-fast pace with a return to my over-packed days. i’m losing steam and my mindset is suffering. despite the fact that i love so much of what i do, i’m longing for the quieter days of december. the inbox wasn’t as out of control, the projects were pending, and i even took some days off.

january is always a hectic month at the studio and with numerous changes and some fun additions (like the exciting creativity classes at the showroom – click on image of events and a big online TranquiliT sale), it’s in full swing.

a friend asked me today if i had chosen a word for the year – something to focus on. the word that immediately came to mind was *spaciousness*. more time between meetings. more time between appointments. more time to get to meetings and appointments. more open space in my schedule. less travel. less scheduled time. more space in my closet. more open space in the various nooks and crannies at home. less heaviness. more joy. more laughter. more organization. more reflection. less frustration. ah, spaciousness how i long for more of you in my life in 2009. now i ask . . . what is your word?