Week in Review

love notes
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from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC. After this month’s travel to Portland and Italy, it feels good to be stationary . . . for the moment.

Tomorrow we’re dashing up to NYC for a quick 24 hours to attend Farm Sanctuary’s Gala where the lovely Tracey and Jon Stewart will be honored. Her book Do Unto Animals released this week and is AMAZING! Pick it up, you won’t be disappointed.

With the recent travel, I’ve missed my Week in Reviews. Setting aside time to review the week’s experiences and plan the weekend’s adventures has become a grounding tool for me over the years.

However, this week {and possibly moving forward} I’m simply sharing photos from the past week, dreams for the weekend, and an assortment of Savvy Sources I’ve curated just for you.

Things constantly evolve in Tranquility du Jour’s world headquarters {my teeny tiny Pink Palace} and my desire remains to offer tranquility tools while sharing my own adventures {and struggles} on this journey.

Above pic peek into the past week’s journey

  • Tranquility du Jour Daybook presale
  • Tranquil Space’s fall decor
  • Moi, Mama + Mookie {who always looks terrified} sending Mama home
  • Mookie cuteness
  • In Italy loving my new faux leather skirt
  • A peek inside the new Daybook
  • A “balanced” brekkie this week {green smoothie, peony rose tea, and donuts}
  • Found a Laduree store in Lucca, Italy
  • And, of course, stepped inside

Savvy Sources

How the Sausage Gets Made {A great piece on the truth behind the gloss}
Gretchen Rubin’s 5 Favorite Books on Writing
Every Thing You Own Is a Relationship You’re In
Esther the Wonder Pig is Wondrous Indeed
From Becoming a Genius to Going Sugar-FreeHow to Avoid the Trap of Constantly Being Busy

Weekend Dreams

Learn lots at the Daring Way Intensive for therapists
Savor my time honoring Farm Sanctuary’s work in NYC
Read, write, and review design documents during 8-hour train travel
Yummy yoga class at Jivamukti followed by tea time with girlfriend
Organize mound of paperwork
Plan the week ahead with ample spaciousness

Tranquil Treasures


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Lost the password? Never fear, look at your past editions of the Love Notes and you’ll find it in the opening section.

Au Revoir

May your weekend be filled with your favorite things. Take a moment to feel sunshine on your skin {it’s pouring through the window as I write}, sip an abundance of tea, go pumpkin picking, and reconsider your relationship to your to-dos. Bisous. x