Week in Review {Pics + Links}

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Week in Review

Bonjour from the City of Light. Earlier today the Penning in Paris group said warm goodbyes over green juice, tea, and cappuccinos at Shakespeare and Company cafe. As I walked into the bookstore next door after our final hugs, I already missed them.

After arriving a week ago, it took a few days to adjust to the six-hour time difference and settle into the Parisian pace. We hit the outdoor market and picked up the essentials—peonies, baguettes, strawberries, melon, and greens. I packed the retreaters’ goody bags and dropped them at their hotel to await their arrival. Sunday we headed to Normandy to visit friends and spent time near the water admiring the cliffs Monet used to paint.

The retreat began Monday afternoon with an opening circle, writing prompts, and champagne tasting. Throughout the week we wrote and practiced yoga in Luxembourg Garden, talked social media in the Tuileries, dined at Ladurée, and meditated in Paris’ oldest church. We also learned from Ariana of Paris to Go, Janice of Paris Letters, and Jasmine (a former Disney princess) who offered creative prompts and savored champagne while watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle among a pink-hued sunset.

I’ve missed sweet Mookie terribly and harass Tim’s parents for regular photo updates. In each photo he’s snuggled up right next to them or sleeping on his stuffed cow. God bless him.

Oh, and the Oklahoma foster who previously had Mookie has a black female and I’ve got my eye on her. Her name is Belle Star and if I have my way, is Mookie’s new sister. Still trying to convince Tim. I told my mom Mookie needed a sister. She texted back that he needed a psychiatrist. Good point, but the dog psychiatrist we were referred to is booked through December. I vote for a sister!

I’m still processing all the nuggets from the week and will do a wrap up shortly. As we move into the weekend, let’s do so with an eye for details and permission to listen to what is percolating deep inside. Bisous. x

Pics in Review

  1. Treasures: rosé, peonies, Bella Grace, and macarons
  2. Luxembourg Garden
  3. Yoga in Luxembourg Garden
  4. Dessert at Ladurée
  5. Post-call with Janice of Paris Letters
  6. Sparkly Eiffel Tower at sunset
  7. Final writing workshop at Shakespeare and Company cafe
  8. Striking a pose

Savvy Sources

Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing
7 Ways to Do More Travel Writing
To Brock Turner’s Victim: We Are With You
Travel Tips for HSPs
The Painful Practice of Putting Your Art Out There
Clear Your Mind in 10 Minutes
Benefits of Writing By Hand
Illustrated Celebration of Jane Austen

What the Death of a Gorilla Tells Us About Us
How To Ditch Imposter Syndrome

Weekend Wish List

Savor final moments in Paris
Sip tea in sidewalk cafes
Safe travels back to DC