Week{s} in Review

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Week{s} in Review

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.—Anaïs Nin

I missed last week’s Week in Review and almost skipped this one. Despite writing this blog since 2004 (13 years!), I’m finding it harder and harder to write.

Don’t worry, I’m not pleading “crazy busy,” I gave up that phrase long ago after reading The ‘Busy’ Trap. It’s deeper than that. The more I study writing, the harder I find it. I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way. Typically you study something, knowledge grows, and you become more comfortable.

Not me. Guess I’ve never really been “normal,” but wow is this challenging!

A few years ago I had essays-in-progress critiqued in a writing workshop that brought me to tears. Sure, I’m pretty sensitive already, but hearing things like “so judgy and she’s a yoga teacher” (author’s note: my Gramma’s nurse was obese and smelled of cigarette smoke), “‘greeted the law firm secretaries’, so condescending” (author’s note: I think saying “hello” is a nice thing), and “must have a trust fund to move to Colorado to ski” (author’s note: no, I saved money from my many part-time jobs) from a group of strangers shook my early memoir writing foundation.

I’m still trying to rebuild and find the process much harder than expected. My first few non-fiction books flowed differently. Not easily, but there was still flow.

This? Well, this transition to personal essay/memoir is akin to opening my veins and bleeding onto the page. Not that I have tons of trauma, just that it takes so much soul-searching. I think I’ve been skirting the edges for the past 43 years and feel called to dive in. Head first.

And, well, I’m not much of a swimmer. Bisous. x

These past two weeks I collaborated with clients, taught a 3-hour yoga and creativity workshop, attended a 4-day psychotherapy conference, got a mani and highlights, released a podcast and Love Note, hosted Tranquility du Jour Live, biked around town, attended a book signing for MeatLess, hosted a mentoring session, attended yoga teacher auditions, signed up for a peony-cutting and -arranging workshop, nursed a flu-turned-sinus-struggle, met a friend for tea, had a call with my writing teacher, attended an online memoir webinar, taught mindfulness class, penned two snail mail notes, finished A Writer’s Guide to Non-Fiction and Chasing Slow, went on numerous walks, and coordinated Eat Veg week at Tranquil Space.

Pics in Review

  1. Ladies in black
  2. Writing space
  3. Pink blooms
  4. Book signing event (future podcast guest)
  5. Garden blooms
  6. Dog park
  7. Non-dairy ice cream (Daiquiri Ice)
  8. Pink petals
  9. Writing moment

Savvy Sources

An Enduring Friendship: Matthieu Ricard and Jane Goodall
7 Things You Should Clean Out of Your Closet
Happiest Man in the World Says Veganism is the Key to Happiness
Writing Personal Essays with Help From the NY Times
Mindless Thinking and the Disease of Being Busy
Tour This 362-Sq. Ft. Cottage
Living Beautifully on 25k-27k per Year
Timeless Advice on Writing
Gardening 101: Plant Your Own Gourmet Garden
Mindfulness As Play: Using Glitter Jars to Harness the Imagination, Ease Anxiety

Weekend Wish List

Do yoga
Organize paperwork (where does it all come from?)
Coddle Mookie
Attend Meg’s yoga thesis workshop
Host a mentoring session
Soak in the tub
Sip cold rose green tea
Review March dreams and pen April’s