west coast girls

love notes
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before i dash off to bed i’m trying to clean up my insane inbox (amazing how backlogged things get due to a couple travel days combined with all-day meetings and workshops) and am hoping to determine the best time of the year to hit the west coast for a mini-tour. i’ve heard from a lot of you craving a little hip tranquil chickness and hope to hit: vancouver, seattle, portland, san francisco, la, and san diego (and any recommendations in between) over a 2-3 week period.

my possibilites are june 15-july 1, july 13-july 27, august 4-august 25, OR november 2 – november 17. i’d love to hit yoga studios to offer workshops and do book signings or even hip tranquil chick signature chariTea soirees/bookclubs during the weekdays in more intimate settings such as hip tranquil chick’s homes, cafes, etc. if you live in or near these cities, i’d LOVE to hear the following:

1. recommended dates based on weather, vibe, etc. in your city for the available dates noted above
2. studios, bookstores, cafes that you recommend i contact regarding offering a workshop or hosting a signing
3. interest in helping to coordinate the mini tour in your city or surrounding city
4. interest in hosting a hip tranquil chick signature chariTea soiree in your home or business
5. any other words of wisdom you may have regarding the noted cities and this west coast adventure

**please send all the scoop to me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com

thank you in advance for all your input and for your enthusiasm in bringing hip tranquil chickness out west! xoxo