fresh home from a 3-hour media bistro workshop on writing for glossy magazines. learning always gets me so jazzed. ran into two fabulous girls from the studio who were also there to learn the tricks of the trade. if you’re at all curious on getting published in magazines, check out their courses as they also have an upcoming online one that sounds most tempting – stiletto boot camp. the name alone is enticing!
having recently become a memoir whore (in a positive way), i’m contemplating this memoir writing online course. doesn’t this one sound like fun? i’ve never done an online course in this way – only live teleclasses – but the topics offered by media bistro are terribly sexy. any memoir writers out there? i know we’ve got a lot of readers considering your awesome suggestions a few weeks ago!
since i’ve been in meetings and classes since 9am, i’m off to soak in the tub for awhile and ponder some magazine pitches. au revoir!