Virtual Retreat: April 9

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Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





🌸 Let’s spring clean our lives! Join me on April 9 from 2-4 pm ET for a virtual retreat filled with intention setting and creative connection.

This virtual retreat is an opportunity to update your tranquility toolkit through wellness planning, 15 healthy habits, a diet refresh, reflecting, and dreaming within a like-hearted community.

Streamed from my office in Washington, DC, this two-hour live experience includes inspiration, education, and the practices of journaling and creativity.

In addition, you’ll receive a pre-recorded one-hour yoga and mindfulness video to do before we gather and to personalize this into a three-hour retreat.

Dig deep and turn inward as we consciously create this brand new season in a nourishing way.

Learn more through this video and sign up at 🎀

PS In alignment with the TDJ Tenets, a portion of all proceeds will benefit IFAW’s (International Fund for Animal Welfare) efforts in Ukraine. Learn more about it here.