one day late but definitely on my mind. *december has arrived*. our final hurrah for 2009. this month’s intentions are important for closing the year with a sense of accomplishment. my word of the year was “spaciousness” and i’ve definitely stayed focused on it all year. plenty of room for improvement, but the awareness of it remained strong. may be my word of 2010, too! below are my december dreams coupled with a review of how i did with november:
my december dreams:
1. finish paper for human behavior theory by dec. 14.
2. finish paper for diversity by dec. 14.
3. sewing party (i design/sew, she troubleshoots) with seamstress = etsy store.
4. fun, festive five days with family in oklahoma.
5. review 2009: list lessons learned + highlights.
6. host fun bebe brunch fete for preggers yoga teacher.
7. take louis to see santa (photo above from 2008 santa).
8. host annual holiday dinner for besties.
9. decorate new 2010 planner pad.
10. declutter: clean closets + armoire + dresser drawers.
11. finalize guest bloggers + introduce to readers.
12. read, read, read. nap, nap, nap. post-dec. 14 MSW deadlines.
13. indulge in 2 tea dates with friends.
14. regular fires, pine candles, bubble baths, + one grape soda.
15. finalize spring palette + begin spring samples.
16. creative holiday gift giving: homemade, locally purchased, experiences.
17. lead inspiring workshops at tranquil space arlington this weekend and tranquil space dupont next weekend.
18. yoga classes at tranquil space 3-5 times/week.
my november dreams:
1. finish revamp of (check out the darling new connect page) DONE.
2. revamp of blog look DESIGNER STILL FINALIZING.
3. place items in my new etsy store PLAYDATE SET WITH SEAMSTRESS IN DEC.
4. fun, vibrant, inspiring session on THIS wednesday’s self-love studio interview (tune in!) DONE.
5. curl hair once a week for flair (picked up curling iron last night – felt so 80s) BLEW IT OUT WEEKLY, BUT NO CURL. BOO.
6. 10 minutes of daily meditation UM, HAPPENED A FEW TIMES.
7. savor every moment of 10 days in paris (november 13-23) DONE X 10.
8. begin work on *big* final paper for human behavior theory UM, IN SPIRIT. DUE 12/14. UGH.
9. call ailing gramma every few days so she knows how ADORED she is. DONE OFTEN, NOT DAILY. GOING TO VISIT FOR CHRISTMAS.
10. choose guest bloggers from *oh-so-impressive* submissions and determine daily inspiration for tranquility du jour 2010. IN FINAL STAGES. INTRODUCTIONS COMING LATER THIS MONTH.
11. informative, innovative presentation on socio-economic status in media for diversity class. DONE.
12. plan festive holiday party for tranquil space team. DONE AND HOSTING THIS SATURDAY.
13. daily: soaks in the tub, sips of hot tea, expression of gratitude, lighting of candles. DONE. NEED MORE EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE.
14. practice sidewalk yoga and slow down ever so slightly to take in the world around me. WORK IN PROGRESS.
15. bake yummy cookies for yogis i will greet at tranquil space on thanksgiving day. DONE W/ BEAU’S HELP.
16. lead dynamic workshops that inspire in montreal this weekend. DONE. HEART MONTREALERS.
17. choose spring TranquiliT palette based on your feedback. IN PROGRESS.
18. finalize january – june tranquil space programming. DONE W/ HELP FROM STUDIO MANAGER.
have you created your december dreams? if so, do share. also, how did november unfold? my month flew by with oodles of travel. may your finale to 2009 be a memorable one. make is sparkly, festive, flair-filled, and, above all, tranquil. mine shall be post MSW deadlines! xo