bonjour fall, au revoir summertime

love notes
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image courtesy of friis

 today i woke up with the best of intentions. a long to-do list, a splash of to-be list, and big pot of jasmine green tea. then i crawled back under the covers to keep my snoring pug company and read. before i knew it i had handled a few emails, updated facebook, sent a few tweets, and crafted blog posts. now it’s two hours later. what remains of my tea is lukewarm, my book hasn’t been cracked, and my thoughts have been haphazardly penned in my journal.

last week the REM song “end of the world as we know it” kept playing in my head. i know, a bit dramatic but bear with me. after a summer of feeling like a ping pong tossed to and fro, i was now succumbing to a set schedule o’ intensity for the next eight months. one that involves playing dress up (le beau calls it “best buy chic” as i’m doing my best to rock a conservative look), learning heaps, and being a counseling intern to those in need.

as i was perusing social media this morning, i saw heaps of “last beach pic of summer” and “now i must focus on work” posts and comments. it seems that many are mourning the loss of summertime’s free spirit. sweet lara of modern prairie girl wrote this post on tips to stay focused as many begin their “back to reality” shift tomorrow.

it’s hard not to review the summer and see all the projects we’d hoped to tackle that are still there waiting for us this fall. for me it was a massive closet overhaul and chez moi decluttering to name a couple. however, these things can wait. instead i’m going to honor the many experiences i had this summer and shift my attention to all that is to come this fall – launching the latest TranquiliT collection, hosting pigs animal sanctuary cocktail party, heading back to india, enjoying tranquil space foundation’s fall celebration, matinees and tea dates with girlfriends, taking the humane education course, wearing tall boots, date nights with le beau, starting my year of mindfulness studies, walking le pug among colorful falling leaves, and enhancing my writing.

oh, plus launching two fun projects (to be revealed super duper soon)! the closet and clutter will wait. it will be there when space opens. it has nowhere else to go. for now, let’s savor summer’s memories. happy, happy labor day.

bisous. x