bonjour from boulder!

love notes
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boulder is gorgeous this time of the year. so different than the blizzard and insane wind we encountered in january. it feels good to be back in our cozy b & b and to be focusing on professional and personal development for the week. tonight we (BFF and i) got in a yummy yoga class and dined on a tasty strawberry and pear salad. i’m feeling refreshed and ready for the 10 hours of learning ahead over the next few days.

today’s return to our work together and contemplation practice began with a reminder that no matter how many times we fall off the horse, we just have to get back on. our teacher was referring to our meditation practice and practice of the tools we’re learning in the authentic leadership program. i liked that reminder. although i constantly fall short from being the perfect soul i want to be, i shouldn’t wallow in guilt or self-pity – just simply need to dust myself off and return to the meditation cushion/horse! resonate?