
love notes
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wow, so i got through last night’s final, woke up for the last time at 7:10 am to krishna das, and had my last morning jivamukti practice with over 100 others from around the globe. i get a bit sentimental about the ending of anything. however, i’m also terribly excited to share what i’ve learned, to figure out how to incorporate all i’ve learned, to return to reality outside this microcosm, to hug my pug and kitties, to sleep in my spacious double bed, to wake up with beau, to explore these dietary changes in my real life, to savor the many subtle shifts that have transpired this month!

on mother’s day, we were read a thoughtful note from michael franti (total cutie!) to sharon and all teacher trainees. i’ve been meanting to mention him and his fabulous tunes on the blog as i find him to be a total inspiration and look forward to blending more of his music into my practice.

i’m also delighted to share that i have had successful neti pot experiences the past few days! yay, i figured out the right tilt of the head. many peeps’ allergies are flaring up with all the blooming trees here and using the netti pot helps to alleviate this struggle. try it out. maybe they even make them in pink or leopard print!

also, there is a must-have book that i encourage you to get if you’re interested in learning more about the yoga sutras. it is the essential yoga sutra: ancient wisdom for your yoga by geshe michael roach (who also wrote the diamond cutter that i have recommended before). he’s brilliant AND it outlines the four chapters of the yoga sutras in easy-to-grasph commentary.

scents make me happy. last night my canadian pal came into my room for some neti pot salt and saw the star gazer lilies beau had brought to me. she mentioned that they were too fragrant for her. then i pointed out my lavender plug-in in the wall, lit a few of my candles, sprayed some pillow spray on my linens, and put some lavender pulse point creme on her temples. now THAT is fragrance, honey!

our surprise a few nights ago was a phenomenal concert with davide stringer. he’s a PHENOMENAL musician. i’ve seen him twice before and just adore him. he’s very rock-like in his kirtan singing.

thank you for joining me on this journey. what a ride! i’ve learned so much. i’ve been exhausted. i’ve challenged myself. my neck has ached. i’ve set off fire alarms. i’ve cried at upsetting films. i’ve struggled with my neti pot. i’ve tried to stay connected with my “reality” back home and struggled with the shifts between here and there. i’ve observed interesting patterns in myself on (i struggle with backbends) and off (i am reactionary and have trouble letting go) the mat.

sweet beau is en route up here to join me for graduation tonight and i’m excited for the beautiful drive home tomorrow and fun stops along the way (tarjay, grocery store, lookout spots). namaste.