it’s that time again. a fresh month and new dreams. above is the precious watercolor by mary catherine starr for the latest issue of
tranquilologie ($12/issue or $99/year). enjoy the watercolor sprinkled PDF with musings on mindfulness, self-care, nesting, do-gooding, style, work, creativity, and dreams and a mp3 of moi reading the issue to you. in this issue learn about walking meditation, crafting a personal manifesto, using accessories to enhance basic staples, creating an inspiration folder, organization your office and more!
after dropping le beau off at the airport for his 700-mile bike ride this morning, i made some tea, wrote in my journal, and penned my dreams for august (below) into my planner pad. i’m ready for this monthly chance to start anew. we’ve been back in the states for a month now and it’s been a blur. so much has transpired (portland, ongoing grief, tranquility summer camp, taking action for animals conference, penning tranquilologie, art workshops, catch ups with dear friends, new monday blog feature) and i’m in a constant state of processing it all.
et toi? life feels that way sometimes, eh? blurry + mushy.

planner pad dreams by moi
as we simmer down this month and many head to the hills for rest and relaxation, i hope you, too, have a dose of tranquility on the horizon. i’m off to another weekend of animal rights conferencing, then to oklahoma for much-needed healing family time interspersed with much-needed girlfriend time in vegas. all this followed by a few days of writing in west virginia and then back to school. my plan is to sprinkle as much tranquility as possible into all of these endeavors.
it’s easy to find tranquility on vacation, what about in daily life? that’s where it gets juicy.
wishing you a beautiful month and happy hump day.
bisous. x