happy, happy july!

love notes
Get my 15 simple practices to help you prioritize self-care. Download your “Tranquility in the Everyday workbook."





photos from last night’s outdoor concert featuring gota + beau

it’s that time of the month – explore goals.

what lies within for you this month?

how about taking some time to savor succulent summer fruits, pen a snail mail letter, and sit at a cafe with your journal?

july dreams/goals

1. design *new* fall e-course
2. create e-course FAQ
3. complete my many MSW projects for social policy II
4. finalize fall TranquiliT samples + shoot fall collection
5. lead inspiring retreat at kripalu
6. compile tranquil space teams’ “TS experience” description
7. yoga 2-3 X/week + gym 2-3 X/week
8. read 1 book for fun
9. co-lead inspiring tranquil teens session for running start
10. finalize tranquil space website redesign
11. complete tranquil space arlington build out
12. oodles of hammock time
13. create right brain business plan journal a la jennifer lee

june dreams/goals

1. eat oodles of papaya in costa rica – DOING! – DID
learn oodles at buddhafest – TRIED
3. 10 minute morning meditation – IN PROGRESS
4. to bed b/w 10-midnight, to rise b/w 7-9 – MOSTLY DONE
5. learn from journal extraordinaire during
playdate with hope of paper relics – DONE
6. savor korean spa playdate with shizuka – HAD TO POSTPONE DUE TO PAPER PROCRASTINATION
7. submit testimony and final paper for social policy class – DONE
8. rock my social policy final exam – GOT AN 88 AND THOUGHT I’D FAILED
consistent weekly date night with beau – FAIL
10. start build-out for new tranquil space arlington studio + share with community – DONE
11. co-lead inspiring tranquil teens program for tranquil space foundation – DONE
offer inspiring + informative talks during LA + portland events – DONE
13. launch second tranquilista lifestyle: joie de vivre e-course – DONE
14. return to yoga post-surgery at the end of the month: woo hoo! – DID SO TODAY
15. do oodles of hOMework for 3 e-courses i’m signed up for: one (or two) too many – BEHIND BUT INSPIRED
16. join a gym (first time since 1996) – DONE
17. read 2 books for pleasure – FINISHED ZAPPOS BOOK