happy new year!

love notes
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i hope your year is off to a great start! i’m typing from the bath tub (yes, really!) with some emergenC nearby and hot water complete with a glitter-filled LUSH bath bomb.

today i led a 3-hour workshop focused on setting intentions for the new year and incorporated yin yoga, pranayama, meditation, flow, and reflection. i tried to offer a holistic approach to getting the new year started on the right foot. i was blessed with an amazing group plus two very talented assistants and the hours flew by.

tomorrow many of us return to “reality” – full inboxes, projects put on hold for the holidays, our everyday routines. i, too, am feeling the pressures as the downshift of urgent matters was a welcomed surprise. now, back to the grind. however, the grind is what we make of it. i hope that you are able to find some creative play and inspiration among the grind. can you get up 30 minutes earlier to do yoga, make a yummy protein shake for breakfast, sip tea, use colored paper clips, wear a new color, sign up for dance classes, write with pink pens, add a jeweled pin to your winter coat, wear a new fragrance, tell your boss or colleague that you appreciate them, read a classic, or go to an art exhibit? play with adding some spice to your grind and a return to your routine may be a bit more enticing.

best wishes to a happy, healthy, and holistic start to 2008!