welcome to a new week. another chance to start anew. it’s rainy today in the woods. despite waking up on the wrong side of the bed {thanks to interrupted slumber by my 4-legged furry friends}, i’m hopeful there is sunshine heading my way today. {insert grumble}
while on hold with multiple insurance and financial providers this morning–again not the recommended way to start a week especially with a grumpy face–i began searching for mindfulness images to inspire today’s post. i came across the above image and fell in love. why did this watercolor come up under “mindfulness,” i wondered?
well it turns out that the watercolor illustrations are attached to
the sweetest bed and breakfast i’ve ever seen. complete with a meditation room, pilates and yoga classes, massage, and slowing down–all with a mindfulness spin. truly heavenly.
i love this from
their concept page:
After years of yoga and meditation practice, we have embraced the idea of Mindfulness, first coming to us by the writings of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn P.H.D. “Mindfulness is a moment-to-moment nonjudgmental awareness, cultivated by paying attention.” Mindfulness arises naturally from living. It can be strengthened through practice. This practice is sometimes called meditation. But meditation is not what you might think. Meditation is really about paying attention, and the only way in which we can pay attention is through our senses, all of them, including the mind. “Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience. Of course, our experience is vast, and includes our own body, our mind, our heart, and the entire world,” Dr. Kabat-Zinn says. In our point of view, a ‘Mindful way’ of looking at the world – and guidance in how to relate to others – ‘paying attention’ is key. This does not mean you have to be Mindful to be a guest at our Bed and Breakfast in Valencia, nor does it imply you should share this belief (or even know what it means !) to enjoy the carefully chosen surroundings during your city-trip or holidays to Valencia. It just means we care; we care for you to have a memorable experience in a relaxing setting, where eye for detail and aesthetic quality in your Valencia Bed and Breakfast are an important factor in making your stay as relaxing and welcoming as possible.

when you wake up feeling less than sparkly, finding a gem such as this can be refreshing. while their spin on mindfulness isn’t necessarily new, the incorporation into a homey hospitality business is unique and inspiring. i feel better simply knowing they exist–and see a train trip to valencia in my not-so-distant future.
now i’m going to take a deep breath and engage in a dose of meditation. mama needs it. and then maybe even a nap–despite my plan to write all day.
finished my final scholarly paper of my social work program last night {insert delight} and have clinically diagnosed myself sleepy, grumpy, and present with what is. bisous. x