image courtesy of rachel smartley
While researching creativity quotes for my Anthology yesterday, I came across this one by Twyla Tharp:
image courtesy of meetville
I’m loving the idea that who we become depends on books (yay, encouragement to keep my addiction going strong!) and people we meet.
Often times we’re led to believe it’s what we achieve, what we accumulate, or even what sort of milestones we meet. To hear it boiled down to books and people we meet makes it so, well, simple. And tangible.
While sharing a struggle recently with my parents, I was lovingly told to seek the answers in a book, any book, at I had to laugh that my deep-seated belief of books holding keys to self-understanding was, once again, reinforced by my family of origin. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
As you mindfully move into a fresh week and the approaching holiday weekend (for those of you stateside) ponder this quote. Consider the books you read and the people you’re meeting. Observe how, and if, they are impacting you. Here’s to ongoing growth and living beyond the comfort zone. Bisous. x
P.S. Here’s a peek at my book obsession as I’ve recently joined Goodreads.