sacred saturdays

love notes
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more playing santa and hitting the post office this morning. today’s book signing at lululemon was fun – especially since they had sugar cookies coated with sprinkles at my table. um, i must confess that i had 4. 2 trees and 2 stockings. what’s a girl to do when they are right there under your nose? i also came away with some new sparkly legwarmers and bamboo and cashmere infused gauchos for dance. so i don’t dance much, i LOVE their dance line!

then i perused the nearby bookstore and found a damask print journal that i just HAD to have. beau and i were going to have a quiet night in after i prepped thoughts for tomorrow’s photo shoot (for the next 8 weeks of the examiner column) and wrote the piece due tomorrow. alas, he got a call reminding him that he had dinner plans so i’m sitting in front of the fire surrounded by paperwork to handle and organize a snoring pug on my lap, and my laptop at my fingertips. life is grand!

a friend passed along these cool plantable holiday ornaments that i thought looked lovely and green. i’m totally digging the plantable products that are out on the market!

also, i was given a sample of spasensials to try recently. i started with the yummy foot sock coated with aloe, jojoba and vitamins A, B5 and E – what more could a girl want? i slept in them for a few hours and found the whole concept quite decadent. a week or so later i tried the hand coated gloves. they felt great but my beau was freaked out by my “mummy hands” and i must have had a tiny cut from a recent mani as one of the ingredients was causing a burning sensation. best used withOUT any minor nicks! despite that, i thoroughly enjoyed being a tester for such decadence!

i keep struggling with the multiple things on my to-do lists when this is supposed to be downtime. wanna write in my journal, do some yoga, work on a new 2008 vision board, write out my vision for 2008, play with my new sewing machine, read some of my large library of books but the “gotta do this, gotta do that” bug keeps harassing me. i’ve vowed to turn that little bugger off for christmas but don’t see when else it can be turned off without something urgent falling through the cracks. anyone else struggling the same way? next weekend is actually quite open so maybe that will be my carved out personal space – it has to be because some of these things are must-haves before i welcome 2008. i hope you’re finding some space sans to-dos despite the hustle of the holidays! now i’m going to wallow in “woe is me” on to spend a $50 amazon gift card i received. gotta get more books . . .