today has been lovely. meditation, discussion of the chant shantih, shantih, shantih, and on to assist and be assisted (without taking hands off) for the entire practice. lovely and challenging experience. those who teach, i highly encourage you to try this – especially if you work with private clients. it’s divine!
then we had a chat on spiritual activism. i found a few sites during a quick google search but nothing that really stuck. a great example of a spiritual activist is julia butterfly hill (among many others). considering last night’s film, we all had many questions on this and i look forward to exploring it more in future blogs and podcasts. margaret mead reminds us to “never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” what small changes can you begin making to live more green (so hip right now) and to be a spiritual activist to whatever cause is close to your heart? BIG question!
then pranayama and all the subtleties of it (my head is still spinning).
now, more meditation, chanting, and another video. then i get to see beau! yay! can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow. i hope life is treating you well and that you, too, can enjoy a little indulgence for yourself tomorrow.