week in review: tranquility seeker

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bonsoir from the woods.

beau, pug, and moi headed out late afternoon for a couple days of working, reading, and resting sans the sounds of the city. breathing deeper already.

this week was a challenging one (hot, random frustrations, and occasional feelings of overwhelm) coupled with greatness (progress of tranquil space arlington *new* hOMe, co-leading a tranquil teens program, meeting with a naturopath, date nights with beau + friends). it’s always the yin and yang, right?

week in review:
2 yoga classes
2 gym excursions
physical therapy
hosted tranquil space teachers chez moi for potluck
meditation class
ortho appt = allowed to do more with right shoulder
met with co-leader of tranquil space foundation fall event to PLAN (save date october 14)
dermatologist appt = no unruly moles this year
co-taught tranquil teens program for 60ish running start girls
posted on care2.com
date night with beau
wine + pizza with tranquil teens co-teachers
pizza + chocolate cake with girlfriend
met with naturopath + took food allergy test. hope results don’t reveal cheese, caramel popcorn, or cupcake allergies.
meeting with contractor to peruse new tranquil space arlington hOMe
put together 80 goody bags for tranquil teens programs: CD, journal, markers, handouts
shipped oodles of TranquiliT orders: shop through 7/30 at 40% off using code SUMMERTIME
penned thank you notes to snail mail

today’s heat coupled with random frustrations that come with running a business have set me back a bit. add to it that next week = finals, moving tranquil space arlington to its new hOMe, and prepping to head to texas for a 2-week book tour = in need of serious self-care. plan to take full advantage of the woods by reflecting, resting, and reading as much as possible.

may you, too, bask in moments of tranquility this weekend.
