what i’m dreaming of . . .

love notes
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camping under a starlit sky
taking a mini sabbatical
strolling the streets of paris
studying art
speaking french
leaving a legacy
retreating by the beach
owning a cozy b & b for yoginis
doing handstand
living in the country
snowstorm at the beach
driving along the west coastline in a convertible donning headscarf + big sunglasses
having a column in a fabulous glossy
simplifying down to only extravagant necessities
having a regular day off each week
starting a revolution
making an impact
exploring the amalfi coast
writing a best-seller
reading by a fire . . . for days, even weeks
feeling less pressure
hiking + car camping near monument valley
absorbing all reading material on my bookshelves via osmosis
understanding henry miller + anais nin’s love affair
being a visionary leader
making others feel special
eating oodles of whole grains, greens, fruits, + veggies
having a lifestyle-focused talk show (think podcast on camera)
starting each day with meditation
having madonna’s body
growing tranquil space foundation into a national (or global) organization
recording my 4th yoga CD to coincide with tranquil space’s 10-year birthday bash in october
stopping puppy mills/mistreatment of all animals
enjoying the present moment
savoring more sacred time with friends
taking TranquiliT to a global green brand that helps women feel beautifully creative
roasting marshmallows over a campfire
cultivating an english garden
speaking with utmost clarity
living my yoga via thought, word, + action