what is on your mind?

love notes
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have you taken a moment to sit down and reflect on this year, on the season, on the upcoming new year? i encourage you to carve out some time over the next few days (mine is saturday afternoon and all day sunday) to get it all down on paper. if you aren’t so linear, draw out your thoughts and your dreams instead. do a collage (directions on p. 85 of hip tranquil chick) of 2007. whatever you do, just get it down on paper or canvas or video – whatever works!

i’m feeling very muddled thanks to a home that needs to be cleaned desperately (due to 3 black animals with all white furniture), a closet that is overdue for its seasonal reorg, a long list of to-dos, and end of year preparation coupled with being away for five days has left me feeling a bit frazzled. however, i relish in the thought that after tomorrow’s 12 hours of meetings, i will begin the purging of mind and surroundings by putting away holiday decor, cleaning, finalizing my 2006 lessons and 2007 dreams, pulling together bags of clothes to give away, and writing down what is percolating in my head. THIS will bring tranquility.

how about you, girls, what’s on your minds?