Happy Hip-aversary

love notes
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July 22, 2023 marks my one-year hip-aversary! It seems like just yesterday that I woke up groggy in the recovery room under the care of a very sweet nurse who coddled my confusion and tolerated my gibberish. (Here’s the blog post about my hip replacement surgery and a podcast with a friend who also had one).

Although my healing journey has been anything but smooth (hello, cracked femur, bursitis, cortisone shots, anti-inflammatories, heating pads, ice packs, second and third opinions, ongoing physical therapy, cupping), I’ve come so far since my walker and cane days and wanted to honor this day in a meaningful way.

To do so, I created a mini plan with lots room for flexibility. (I’m solo parenting right now while Tim’s on a bike trip so malleability is the key to survival).

The day began with pug walks and a matcha latte with oat milk from my favorite local dog-friendly cafe followed by penning snail mail love notes and texting with friends on my patio garden while listening to this Tony Bennett Spotify playlist. RIP.

Next, I enjoyed a nearly two-hour ballet practice with Broche Ballet which is always balm for my soul topped off with a green smoothie to nourish my insides and a nap with the pugs under a pink weighted blanket.

Remaining pieces of the plan include indulging in my favorite hip opener, baddha konasana, and writing a love letter to my hip. Oh, and more pug walks and snuggles, of course!

Despite a challenging past year of healing and potential new surgery on the horizon (to remove the metal band around the femur), I’m grateful for this process. It’s helped me slow down (literally) and appreciate simple things like climbing steps (still hard).

Happy, happy hip-aversary to this nearly new hip!