i heart tranquil space arlington

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tranquil space arlington’s new hOMe opened last night. woo-hoo!

the journey began in 2007 when we opened within a dance studio (similar to our church days for dupont). quickly recognizing that we needed more space and the ability to control the environment (dance music + savasana don’t = tranquility), we began looking for the perfect spot.

2008 was very much focused on moving into our 17th street location so a 2009 move was the plan for arlington. however, we looked and looked mid-2008 on and had many deals not move forward. yet we persevered. the arlington cOMmunity needed a hOMe of their own.

i recall one sad january 2009 saturday after national yoga day were we had a meeting with our arlington front desk staff, welcOMed arriving yogis to a sold-out class (many were frustrated by the influx of yogis on this discounted day), and set off to look at lots of available spaces with our contractor. none were a match. sigh. yep, *this* is how i spend my saturdays.

as we passed the cute space currently housing a curves franchise, i said to my beau and contractor, “if only that space was available, it would be perfect!” it was sweet, had a little lawn, was set back from the road, had parking in the back, and was its own building – no neighbors above or below. seemed like a true hOMe.

a little over a year later, we signed the lease. i squealed with glee when it came up for lease last summer and we negotiated for almost a year.

last night, we opened our doors to welcOMe our patient, loyal, loving cOMmunity into their new tranquil space. it meant so much to me because i know what they’ve put up with over the years (ex. some of you may remember being in savasana while a wedding was happening in the church days) when many conditions were beyond our control.

we’ve added special tranquil space touches: body products in both loos, individual changing stalls complete with velvet curtains, tea + cookies inside and outside the studio, a spacious sitting area and retail space, chandeliers to add sparkle, damask to add flair, green touches to honor the environment, mints everywhere.

this story is the perfect reminder that patience prevails. there were many times when we got close to signing a lease and something fell through where i wondered if it was a sign. yet, i knew in my heart that the cOMmunity we planted in 2007 deserved a practice space that offered them a chance to bloOM.

and you know what, the yogis were abuzz last night and our new hOMe has wonderful energy. perfect for bloOMing!

thank YOU, arlington, for *your* patience and support.