- Painting pumpkins
- Teaism’s veg udon soup
- TranquiliT‘s leggings and 2in1 top {worn *every* day}
- Gold glitter paint
- Finishing books to make my Goodreads Reading Challenge {#nerd}
- Filling in my new Daybook
- Honeycrisp apples topped with peanut butter
- The psychology behind Trump
- EmergenC packets
- Peppermint oil on my temples
- Licensing exam prep
- Saving animals
- Baking vegan pumpkin scones
- Celebrating Tranquil Space’s 17th birthday
- Writing HTC10: the new 10-year Hip Tranquil Chick chapter
- Face oil
- Noticing my breath
- Belle Starr {love having a little girl}
- Pink Bic Velocity pens
- Rose candles