Seven years ago yesterday my beloved Gramma died and, in turn, my whole world changed. I stepped away from the yoga studio’s day-to-day operations, took a year-long semi-sabbatical, and never fully returned. Physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Yesterday morning I woke up to the news that my favorite Instagram star (a deaf, blind, disabled pug with dementia) had died and lost it. Truly, Pug Chung has been my source of Instagram joy for many moons now.
I’ve read that grief is cumulative and each loss builds on another. Even though I didn’t know Chung (she lived in Korea), I adored her from afar and her death tapped into the many losses over the past seven years—Gramma, my firstborn kitty, Louis the pug, the studio.
I chose that Maya Angelou quote as a reminder that despite life’s setbacks, I choose to sit with the muck of it all and then get up, dust myself off, and take a step forward. Okay, after lots of therapy, tears, and time.
Anniversaries of loss are hard and yet I remain so grateful for the humor, style, and joy the time with Gramma brought over 38 years. May we know that each moment is precious and may we thrive in our own way. Life is so precious.
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. —Rachel Zoe
As you already know, Friday was TranquiliT’s spring shoot featuring our new color, ballet, and eight new pieces. Afterwards I recorded two videos for you: one introducing the spring collection and another giving tips on packing for warm weather jaunts.
The new collection will be available early March at Hope you love it! Between you and me, I think it’s my favorite collection yet.

Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much. —Helen Keller
As I mentioned, I’m dreaming up an intimate Tranquility du Jour Live in-person workshop at this stunning DC spot one Sunday this spring.
I envision a day filled with meaningful programming focused on living life with more tranquility, creativity, and style. Plus, a fancy vegan lunch and tasty treats, time for mingling with like-hearted ladies (or those who identify as ladies), and space for dreaming big. The gathering will be topped with luxe goody bags, a cocktail (or mocktail) party, a TranquiliT trunk show, and sensory delights.
Don’t live in DC? No problem, make a weekend of it. Take a bus, train, plane, scooter, or bicycle and join us!
Add yourself to the guest list and be the first to know more details.
I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude. —Brene Brown
It’s hard to believe we’re wrapping up our time in Costa Rica. Although I initially thought this would be my last retreat here for a bit, others are encouraging me to consider otherwise. I’ll make a decision over the next few months and, if so, am dreaming up small programming shifts. This truly is a magical place and it’s a delight to escape the chill for seven days in sunshine.
I love traveling and, yet, I also love returning home. It’s hard being away from my loved ones. Belle was just diagnosed with a tumor. so we have an appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday and I can’t ever get enough of Gizmo. I could just eat that little guy up. And Mookie, well, he sure keeps me on my toes.
The good news is that being away reminds me of what I’m grateful for at home—clients, pets, library of books, piles of art supplies and tea, ballet class, Tim, friends, my sweet office, and more.
Ah, to pay attention and practice gratitude à la Brene Brown. Isn’t there so much right in front of us?