Mon Anniversaire

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Thursday marks another year around this crazy planet. The big 43. Not a very sexy, round number, but I’ll take it. To honor the momentous occasion, I’ll be doing what anyone would do to celebrate their special day—flying to Vegas to see Garth Brooks!

When Tim shared Garth’s Vegas show announcement that coincided with my birthday (for some reason Tim’s on Garth’s mailing list and not me), I could tell he was hoping I’d surely had enough. But no, instead I had him booking tickets immediately.

With visions of unending pots of tea, a journal, and a pile of books, we’ll be cozying up in an A-frame near Flagstaff and tooling around the Grand Canyon on bikes most of the weekend.

Each birthday I like to do an assessment of the past year and pen dreams for the future year. I need at least one to two hours to settle in with my journal, Daybook, and a few markers. Quiet space, lit candle, and no one else around.

I begin by listing my experiences since June 30, 2015 such as adopting Mookie, going to Italy, planting bulbs, releasing the 52 Weeks of Tranquility Journal, and do si doing at the Farm Sanctuary Hoe Down. I let the experiences—good and challenging—flow. Then I’ll pull out my Daybook to capture any that I missed.

Next I consider what I’d like to experience by June 30, 2017 such as submitting a memoir book proposal, being a licensed therapist, attending University of Tennessee’s Veterinary Social Work program, and adopting another rescue (here’s the girl we’re going to meet mid-July, Belle Star—she’s toward the bottom).

This mid-year review brings a sense of gratitude for the year’s various experiences and offers the opportunity to intentionally consider what I’d like to manifest.

Ideally they’ll be some flowers for the cabin, a celebratory glass of bubbly, and dessert topped with tons of icing to make the experience complete.

Do you have a birthday ritual? A favorite way to celebrate?

Even if your birthday isn’t this month or next, consider sitting down over this holiday weekend with your journal to review how things are feeling mid-year. Share what unfolds with us in the comments below. I’ll share my process via Instagram.

Sending love, celebration, and deep breaths your way. Bisous.