One month from today we’ll gather online to celebrate Hip Tranquil Chick‘s 10-year birthday and there are only a few hours left to receive the BONUS mp3.
Sunday, December 4 from 5-7pm ET (all registrants will receive a video recording).
An Internet connection and computer or smartphone. We’ll send a link shortly before the gathering to click and, voilà, you’re with us. A journal and pen is helpful, too.
For the cost of 5 Pumpkin Spice Lattes, you get 4 treats that last a lifetime.
1. LIVE EVENT: The live event will stream from my tiny Pink Palace with a live in-home audience. Festivities include mini workshops, seated yoga, mindfulness practices, a reading from HTC10 (the new chapter), your stories on how the book inspired you (see the FAQs on how to share yours), and more!
2. NEW CHAPTER: HTC10 is a 10-year retrospective filled with photos, inspiration, lessons learned, stories, and savvy sources, plus a peek into my dreams of what’s next. Read the draft introduction to the new chapter.
3. PLAYBOOK: The Playbook complements our live event with suggestions on how best to prepare for and participate in the online gathering with helpful checklists, recipes, playlists, how-tos for the practices, and more. Both PDFs will be sent your way shortly before our gathering.
4. BONUS: Listen to my story of writing Hip Tranquil Chick plus penning the new chapter, HTC10.
I can’t wait to celebrate during this festive time of year (think twinkle lights and holiday jazz). Thank you for helping me honor my firstborn book’s birthday. Your presence is the cherry on top!
HTC10 + Live event + Playbook + Bonus + Signed copy of Hip Tranquil Chick $42