rainy day musings

love notes
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watercolor work by artist mary catherine starr
bonjour my beautiful readers. tonight was to be a big night. the eve before the launch of my semi-sabbatical and a fave night of teaching beautiful yogis. 
alas, on friday i was told i had mono and to rest up. oh, and hydrate tons, too! c’est la vie. so over the weekend i read heaps, slipped out for a writing workshop, consumed oodles of h2o and green tea, snuggled with louis the pug, napped, and wrote in my journal a few times a day. last night i couldn’t take it anymore. was getting antsy, worried i may be getting bed sores from all the resting, and desperately needed human interaction. off to the studio i went for a quick dose of yoga. ommmm. it felt so good to move. god bless lunges and downward facing dog!
good news = i know why my throat was aching and my body was sore. plus it couldn’t have come at a gentler time. no school papers, heading into semi-sabbatical mode, and no deadline monkey on my back. oh, and i get six weeks in france to recover. win-win.
however, as i prepare for my jaunt to france + to host 30 amazing ladies (+ 1 gent), i’m experiencing a sort of identity crisis. no, not because of my recent diagnosis (mono smono), but because the past 13 years my life has been tranquil space, tranquil space, tranquil space. tomorrow morning is the bi-monthly manager meeting and my first to blatantly miss. it feels odd. should i swing by and say i was in the neighborhood? hmmm, i think the adjustment will be much harder for me than the team. who am i if not the magician behind the lavender-scented velvet curtain of my first bebe, tranquil space? 
time will tell and i look forward to exploring this transition in my art journal and on this blog. any identity crisis/transition advice you’d like to share? books, articles, lessons learned? i’m all ears!
wishing you and yours a tranquil eve filled with sound identity (sans achy body). bisous. x

Tranquility du Jour

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