Tranquility in Tuscany

love notes
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Greetings from DC! After an 18-hour journey from Florence to Lisbon to DC, we arrived home late Sunday night with happy hearts and full suitcases.

Although I only picked up four items (a dress, skirt, swimsuit, scarf) and an assortment of gifts (soap, rose salts, olive oil), I unloaded 13 goody bags for the retreaters and somehow my bag was just as stuffed upon return. How does that happen? I so want to be that girl who travels with just a carry-on.

In this week’s upcoming podcast, I’ll give a peek into our Italian adventure and share ideas on living la dolce vita (the sweet life)—both mine and YOURS. Thanks to Love Note subscribers for revealing your sweet life secrets.

Psst, I’ll also announce dates for the next Tuscany retreat!

The photos above highlight our last adventures: “sunning” in the shade on our final retreat day, retreaters all smiles pre-pizza and Prosecco party, blowing goodbye kisses at the Lucca train station, taking in the views of Florence, our last morning with Mom and Dad in Florence before heading to the airport.

I look forward to connecting with you in this week’s upcoming podcast and appreciate you following the Tranquility in Tuscany experience. Here’s to infusing our days with simple luxuries, quiet moments, and sweet delights. That’s where we find true tranquility in Tuscany and beyond. Bisous. x