Guest On the Show?

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Interested in being interviewed for the Tranquility du Jour show? I LOVE featuring guests from our community and I just know you’ve got something to say. Share that beautiful voice, story, and expertise of yours!

If you’re so inclined, please fill out THIS form and I’ll be back in touch shortly if the topic feels like a good fit for the precious Tranquility du Jour listeners. Truly, they’re AMAZING!

Also, can you believe the podcast turns 14 next month? My goodness, I remember the days of having to explain a podcast. It’s like a radio show that you can listen to at anytime from your computer. Whhhaaattt?

Now they’re ubiquitous and a staple in our information and entertainment consumption.

Finally, any suggestions on how to celebrate our 14th podcast anniversary? Have a particular topic or idea you’d like covered? Do tell! Thanks for listening and being here. I heart you. Bisous. x