hip tranquil chick #83: hip mammas mother’s day special

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Happy Mother’s Day! Welcome to the 83rd edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced at the Pink Palace in Washington, DC. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog. This episode is a Mother’s Day celebration with thoughts on motherhood from three hip mammas.

Carol Collins loves helping people learn about themselves through yoga. she focuses on mindfulness, encouraging students to reach within themselves to find truth and wholeness in their body and mind. carol is the postnatal yoga coordinator at tranquil space where she has been teaching since 2002. she completed her 200-hour yoga alliance certification in 2003. carol enjoys the graceful way in which vinyasa yoga flows through the asanas, develops stamina, strength and flexibility. carol earned a black belt in the korean martial art of tae kwon do in 1994. yoga is constantly teaching her the balance between competing toward an edge and accepting the grace of the moment. carol also holds a master’s degree in education and is a former elementary and middle school teacher.

September Fortier is thrilled to be teaching at tranquil space, where she completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training. she first came to yoga in 1997 in the hopes of finding a little inner stillness after the death of a loved one. what she found was so much more and she’s been hooked ever since. she loves yoga’s emphasis on present moment awareness and acceptance as well as its noncompetitive nature, and feels herself blessed to be among so many wonderful creative people at tranquil space. september is a former dancer and professional cheerleader and holds an MFA in acting from the catholic university of america in washington, dc, where she studied stage combat, suzuki, tai chi and the alexander technique. she is a member of the actors’ equity association, and when not on the mat she can be found performing onstage and working behind the scenes as a founding company member of catalyst theater company. september is also a reiki II practitioner and hopes to complete her reiki III master certification this summer.

Siobhan Troy completed her 200-hour teacher training at tranquil space and is a registered yoga teacher with yoga alliance. she first came to tranquil space in 2001 and has since been opened up to a whole new world. in 2004 she embarked with kimberly wilson on opening tranquil space bethesda. siobhan enjoys teaching since it allows her to nurture her students and in turn she has learned so much from them.

in addition to studying at tranquil space, siobhan has studied with nationally known teachers like ana forrest, shiva rea, and baron baptiste. her knowledge of yoga, past experience teaching and her love for children motivated her to study with shakta kaur khalsa, author of fly like a butterfly: yoga for children. siobhan not only enjoys encouraging adults to nurture their inner child, but also loves to guide children in their natural yoga nature through tranquil space’s tranquiliTykes and teens program.

siobhan’s love for two personal friends suffering from fibromalaygia moved her to seek out dr. michael chekin, a medical doctor and yoga teacher whose practice only treats those suffering from this disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.

drawing on her experience not only from yoga but from running three marathons, swimming, coaching, protecting the environment, and helping to raise money for AIDS services enables siobhan to relate to her students. all of us come onto to the mat with our own strengths and weaknesses, siobhan strives to help her students embrace these and see themselves as the beautiful person they are meant to be.

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