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Welcome to the 114th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat.
Today’s menu features a must-have pose in On the Mat, happy new year in Off the Mat, and we’ve got Omwork and Savvy Sources for you too. View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.
On the Mat: Double pigeon twist
Off the Mat: Today’s podcast is on getting set for the new year.
1. Lessons Learned. Before embarking on your 2008 goals, take a moment to reflect on 2007.
2. Get Set, Go Goals. Start small and be specific. Set an end date.
3. Reward Yourself. Keep yourself motivated with a merit system.
Fast Facts About New Year’s Resolutions from About.com
- 63% of people say they are keeping their resolutions after two months
- 67% of people make three or more resolutions
- Top four resolutions:
- Increase exercise
- Be more conscientious about work or school
- Develop better eating habits
- Stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs (including caffeine)
- People make more resolutions to start a new habit than to break an old one.
Omwork: To encourage a sense of diving deeper into today’s podcast, I will post Omwork relating to this segment on our HTC forum. Please connect with fellow HTCs there and play with the following:
1. Post your goals where you can see them regularly.
2. Set an intention each day that aligns with your most important resolution.
3. Tell family and friends about your resolutions.
Savvy Sources:
Success Principles by Jack Canfield
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Healthy Living from the Inside Out by Mariel Hemingway
Signature Style: Wrap Top. On sale for $28!
Soirees, Chats, Booksignings & Retreats: Come our next 1-day retreat in DC on Saturday, January 12 and a weekend of all things hip and tranquil in the Catskills of NY in March, plus a WHOLE week in Costa Rica August 30-September 6. I’ll be leading workshops and hosting book signings in Charleston, WV, Charlotte and Asheville NC in February; back to Denver and Aspen in April. Details for all special events at kimberlywilson.com. I hope our paths will cross.
Join us for our next le chic teleclass chat focused on “New Year, New You” on Monday, January 7 at 8:30ET. Details here.
Mentoring: Interested in diving deeper into hip and tranquil topics 1:1 with moi? If so, view all the scoop here.
Chic Community: Mingle with fellow HTCs on our forums. We’re on MySpace and Facebook, so please connect with the community virtually there, too! If you have a product you’d like reviewed on the blog – send a sample to me at 2024 p street, nw dc, 20036. sending a sample does not guarantee placement but I’d love to support our growing community! Make sure you’re getting the hip tranquil times by signing up at the bottom of any page on hiptranquilchick.com. Check out our new YouTube page at youtube.com/hiptranquilchick. More fun stuff coming soon!
Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing fabulous podsafe tunes from Promonet. Today’s selection is Miss Shanghai Revealed by The Shanghai Restoration Project. You can learn more this week’s featured artist, including how to get more of their music at shanghairestorationproject.com.
Thanks for joining me for the 114th edition of the HTC podcast. Namaste.
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