hip tranquil chick podcast #17: creativity!

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HTC: January 29, 2006

Intro: Welcome to the 17h edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is on creativity, along with a pose of the podcast, book suggestions, and more festive podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenly, divinely aware.–Henry Miller

Creativity: the ability to use the imagination to develop new and original ideas or things, especially in an artistic context

Doing things Differently

Determine Creative Dream

Establish Micromovements

How to Be an Artist by SARK
Stay loose. Learn to watch snails. Plant an impossible garden.
Invite someone dangerous to tea.
Make little signs that say ‘yes’! and post them all over your house.
Make friends with freedom and uncertainty.
Look forward to dreams. Cry during movies.
Swing as high as you can on a swing set, by moonlight.
Cultivate moods. Refuse to “be responsible.”
Do it for love. Take lots of naps.
Give money away. Do it now… The money will follow.
Believe in magic. Laugh a lot.
Celebrate every gorgeous moment. Take moon baths.
Have wild imaginings, transformative dreams, and perfect calm.
Draw on the walls. Read every day.
Imagine yourself Magic. Giggle with children. Listen to old people.
Bless yourself. Play with everything.
Entertain your inner child. You are innocent.
Build a fort with blankets. Get wet.
Hug a tree. Write love letters.

Fave Creativity Books:
Living Out Loud by Keri Smith (her webpage)
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin
Make Your Creative Dreams Real by SARK (her webpage)

Pose of the Podcast: Warrior II
Closing: Thanks for all your show ideas! Please continue to share your thoughts, needs, challenges, and suggestions from your hip tranquil chick path with me at kimberly@tranquilspace.com. Visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration.

Sign up for the tranquiliT times at hiptranquilchick.com.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music that is by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Old Death by Sleeper’s Opera. You can learn more this week’s featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at their PMN page.

Thanks for joining me for the 17th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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