hip tranquil chick podcast #34: ayurveda 101

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HTC: May 27, 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 34th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Tranquil Space Yoga Studio in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is an interview with Anne Thiel on ayurveda, topped of with a pose of the podcast, hip tranquil chick suggestions, hip tranquil chick chat, and fun podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

Anne Thiel wears several hats at Tranquil Space. She is a teacher, prenatal program coordinator and treatment therapist for thai yoga bodywork and ayurvedic consultations. Her yoga journey started in Kimberly’s living room in 2000 and it led Anne to also develop an interest in ayurveda. Thought to be the oldest healthcare system in the world and originally developed as a sister science of yoga, ayurveda, like yoga, teaches us alignment, namely how to align ourselves with nature. Ayurveda believes that we are part of the universe and that we are made of the same ‘stuff’, namely the five elements (space/ether, air, fire, water and earth). These five elements occur in the body in the form of the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and usually one or two of these doshas will determine the body’s predominant constitutional energy. Ayurveda teaches us how to live in balance with that energy and also how to bring that energy in balance with the energy of nature around us. If we are able to bring this energy into balance, we are able to freely access that what underlies the body, the Soul, Spirit, Self.
Anne was drawn to this concept because it simply made a lot of sense to her, and then, later, because she found it really worked! Integrating some of the ayurvedic principles into her life, she suddenly found herself no longer struggling and going against the stream, but rather swimming with the stream, ‘going with the flow’, more in synch with the world.

Hip Tranquil Chick Suggestions:

Hip Tranquil Chick Chat:
“I’d love to create a job, I bought my own website address a couple of days ago and hope to build a cool site and try selling my artwork on there which I am very excited about! I am still deciding on a web host and then I can begin!

I dream of running my own business doing what I love, which I think is one of the reasons why you are such an inspiration to people because you show you are a real person if you know what I mean, and that it’s possible to achieve so much more than an average boring job if you really believe you can do something. I think I said last time I emailed how your podcasts have really changed my life because they and some of your book suggestions have really opened my eyes to see there is so much more you can do in the world!”

Pose of the Podcast:
Forward fold during summer to cool (standing, seated, plow)

We’ve expanded the community to MySpace, please connect with me virtually there, too!

Get the tranquiliT times delivered straight to your inbox, keep abreast of upcoming events, and get pre-ordering info of the book at hiptranquilchick.com.

For all you local gals, I’m offering a hip tranquil chick creativity circle every other Saturday in June-July, details at tranquilspace.com.

Heading to Chicago for the Midwest Yoga Conference in June, please come see me!

Be in touch—share your hip tranquil chickness with me at kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music—by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting from the Podsafe Music Network. Today’s selection is Softly by Hungry Lucy. You can get more of their music at hungrylucy.com or Hungry Lucy’s MySpace page.

Thanks for joining me for the 34th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast. Namaste!

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