hip tranquil chick podcast #50: happy anniversary!

love notes
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HTC: September 24 2006 Shownotes

Welcome to the 50th anniversary of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a guide to life on and off the yoga mat. Produced from the Pink Palace in Washington, DC.

Today’s podcast is a celebration of our 50th episode together, topped off with some exciting news including a HTC retreat AND the location of the DC book and CD launch, along with a sequence of the podcast, and some groovy podsafe music by the artist on my new CD! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.com/blog.

I was lucky to interview 5 special listeners, this show wouldn’t exist without you. It’s exciting to share the voices that have emerged from the HTC community. I’m truly honored to have the chance to connect with each of you on this level.


1. How has the hip tranquil chick blog and/or podcast affected your life?
2. What does being a hip tranquil chick mean to you?
3. What hip and tranquil steps are you taking toward leading a mindfully extravagant life?
4. What role does yoga play in your life?
5. Anything else you’d like to share?

A special thanks to:
Robyn from Nebraska
Linda from Oklahoma
Sarah from New York
Agasel from British Columbia, Canada
Regina from DC

Suggested Resources:

Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything that You Love

Refuse to Choose
by Barbara Sher

Happy Yoga: 7 Reasons Why There's Nothing to Worry About

Happy Yoga
by Steve Ross

Living a Beautiful Life

Living a Beautiful Life
by Alexandra Stoddard

Pose of the Podcast:
Rejuvenating Restorative

Au Revoir:
A HUGE thank you for helping to make this episode happen. I’ve received such amazing feedback from many of you and your connection to the hip tranquil chick vibe helped motivate me through writing the book and now sharing the book. I owe so much to each of you. With a desire to continue growing our community, I’ve set up our very first HTC retreat in upstate NY for June 2007. Please join us for a weekend of all things hip and tranquil!

Share your hip tranquil chickness with me, request show ideas, or pass along feedback by e-mailing me at Kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com or leaving a love note in the comments section of hiptranquilchick.com/blog. A reminder that we’re on MySpace and Frappr, so please connect with the community virtually there, too!

Have a burning question that you’d like hip and tranquil feedback on? E-mail me to have it featured and answered in our dear hip tranquil chick segment!

You can now pre-order Hip Tranquil Chick, the Get Your Yoga On companion CD, and/or a leopard print scarf. Save the date for our book launch fete on Thursday, November 16 at the new swanky boutique Hotel Palomar in DC.

We’re almost done with the step-by-step scoop on hosting a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature ChariTea Soiree! Watch for this downloadable PDF coming soon with discussion tips, a toolkit, yoga sequences, recipes, and more! To host a Hip Tranquil Chick Signature ChariTea Soiree in your area, please send your stats (name, location, e-mail) to kimberly@hiptranquilchick.com and you’ll receive your Toolkit via e-mail shortly. If you live near DC, I’d be happy to swing by your soiree!

To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe music—by new and independent artists who are sharing their music through podcasting. Today’s selection is a preview of the artist who performs on my upcoming CD, Get Your Yoga On… Today’s selection is Saraswati Mantra by Amrita. You can learn more this week’s featured artist, including how to get more of their music, at Amrita’s MySpace page.

Thanks for celebrating the 50th edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast with me! Namaste.

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