hip tranquil chick podcast #7

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Welcome to the seventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podcast: a girl’s guide for living a luxe lifestyle on & off the mat. Back in the Pink Palace, Washington, DC.

I wanted to share an e-mail from a fellow HTC in California:”I just got a Nano and have been listening to your podcasts. Ack — where’s the one for this week!! I want more! I love your tips and insights …. the pose of the podcast …. even hearing the dog or cat make background noise. And enjoy the music you play at the end. I’ve played a couple of the podcasts over a few times. It helps me relax at night and reminds me to attempt to do one yoga pose at home when I can’t get to class. The podcasts remind me that there is more to life than work … easy to forget!”

Thank YOU for writing and so happy to hear that this podcast is speaking to you and others who have taken the time to write! More animal sounds on this one too. My pug gets a little excited when I’m not paying 100% attention to him, and the cat almost knocks the computer off at one point, so you’re in for a treat.

Today’s podcast consists of a potpourri of my fave inspirational books, a delicious pose of the podcast, and more fabulous podsafe music! View our shownotes at hiptranquilchick.blogspot.com.

A few of my fave resources for inspiration:

the artist’s way by julia cameron
the e-myth by michael gerber
simple abundance by sarah ban breathnach
living your yoga by judith lasater
SEED handbook by lynne franks
3 black skirts by anna johnson
– all books by SARK
the four agreements by don miguel ruiz
the wisdom of no escape and the path of loving kindness by pema chodren
12 secrets of highly creative women by gail mcmeekin
living out loud by keri smith

Pose of the Podcast: baddha konasana. A variation is supta baddha konasana (one of my absolute fave poses!).

Share your thoughts with me at Kimberly@tranquilspace.com and visit www.tranquilspace.com and www.hiptranquilchick.com for additional sources of inspiration. To close out the show, we’re playing podsafe tunes– music by new, unsigned artists to help share their art. Today’s selection is In a Long Time by 46 Bliss from the podsafe music network.

Thanks for joining me for the seventh edition of the Hip Tranquil Chick podast. Namaste.

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