Tranquility du Jour #361: 2016 Dreams

Tranquility du Jour
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2016 dream musings by moi. Hear what’s beckoning me and why, tips on bringing 2016 dreams to life, and my biggest dream/word for the year.

2016 Dreams

Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #361: 2016 Dreams (mp3)

Featured Guest: Moi


partyI’m a writer, therapist, and creative entrepreneur who dreams of Paris and global animal welfare.

You’ll often find me sipping fragrant tea, practicing yoga on a leopard-print mat, or leading retreats around the globe.

I live in the petite Pink Palace in Washington, D.C. with a rescue kitty, a rescue pug, and a non-rescued beau.

Indulge in “tranquilosophy” via my blog and podcast, Tranquility du Jour.


2016 dreams

A smattering of my 2016 dreams

  • Eat more whole foods {upper right corner image}
  • Consume less sugar
  • Host inspiring events: retreats, workshops, online {lower left corner image}
  • Do more live events via Periscope {lower right corner image}
  • Morning meditation and hot water with lemon
  • Write morning pages
  • Savor writing retreats with teachers Natalie Goldberg and Heather Sellers
  • Write daily {upper center image}
  • Finish two books monthly
  • Less screen time
  • Clarify next book idea
  • Submit five articles to magazines
  • Daily movement {lower center image}
  • Weekly date nights with Tim
  • Time with and for the animals {upper left corner image}
  • Monthly dates with girlfriends
  • Road trip in Miss Lillie {my vintage RV}
  • Weekly creative play {Artist’s Dates, art journal}
  • Single-task and practice the Pomodoro technique
  • Volunteer
  • Spend time in nature
  • Deepen therapeutic practice


  1. Create space
  2. Review weekly
  3. Single-task
  4. Focus on you
  5. Play

Biggest Dream/word for 2016


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