Tranquility du Jour #367: Dream Job

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Dream Job with Rebecca Rubin. Hear about her one-year journey working around the world, learn about her free Day Job to Dream Job Summit, and the lessons she continues to learn after launching a business.

Tranquility du Jour #367: Dream Job



Rebecca Rubin Headshot


Featured Guest:  Rebecca Rubin is a marketing + mindset mentor for new coaches who want to get their first paid clients (like, yesterday!) and create a stand-out online presence. After making her own transition from day job to dream job, she is committed to helping other women create their version of a fabulous life through entrepreneurship.  Rebecca is currently taking her business on the road as she travels the world (visiting 12 countries in 12 months).  To learn more visit

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Art + Yoga in West Virginia: May 13-15 {1 spot}

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Yoga and the Animals at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary: June 18

Tranquility Virtual Retreat: July 9

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