tranquility du jour #140: greening

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Bonjour! Welcome to the 140th edition of tranquility du jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day.

Today’s show menu features happenings and musing with moi on greening.

orkshops + Retreats: Join moi for events in DC (including a workshop at the TranquiliT showroom on growing your craft to business, Denver in January, Montreal in March. Plus we’ve got a day focused on creating 2009 at our 2nd annual new year’s gala, weekend of tranquility and creativity at our 3rd Annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat in a lovely farmhouse not far from NYC March 27-29, 2009, a retreat to Costa Rica over Memorial Day, and another week at Kripalu next August 9-14, 2009. All the scoop is at my workshops page.

Featured eco-luxe TranquiliT
: Luxe Bridal

Featured guest: Moi with fodder from

Chic Community: Mingle on our forums, Facebook, Twitter, and

Savvy sources:, TranquiliT’s eco-blog, eco-chick,

Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing Hope Over Hope by Karmacoda. A BIG hello to the lovely Heather Pierce, who provides vocals for the band. You can learn more about their music at

Leave your thoughts on hip tranquil chick by writing a review at!

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