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Bonjour! Welcome to the 145th edition of tranquility du jour: a guide to bringing tranquility to your every day.
Today’s show menu features happenings and musing on creativity with Leigh Standley of Curly Girl Design.
Workshops + Retreats: Join moi for our next teleclass Bloom into Spring on March 23 and our next online creativity circle starting January 26 PLUS events around the globe: a luxurious weekend of tranquility and creativity at our 3rd Annual Hip Tranquil Chick retreat in a lovely farmhouse not far from NYC March 27-29, 2009, a decadent retreat to Costa Rica over Memorial Day, and another tranquility-filled week at Kripalu August 9-14, 2009. All the scoop is on my workshops page.
Featured eco-luxe TranquiliT: 2-in-1 long sleeve top – $20 off!
Featured guest:
Leigh Standley
Leigh’s whimsical and witty work has been in the making for the better part of her thirty years. Born and raised in St. Louis, Leigh began designing in seventh grade where she got poor marks in Math class for doodling. She went on to attend University of Kansas School of Design and holds a BFA in Visual Communications. Her work has been featured in national design publications and regional art shows and is inspired by her incredible friends and family. Leigh has lived in Boston for six years and likes it so much she only occasionally wishes it were Paris.
Leigh enjoys traveling, old movies and singing. She can’t live without: yoga, her family and Snickers. She has strong feelings about education, believes in magic and is quite certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, she could save the world.
Chic Community: Mingle on our forums, Facebook, Twitter, and youtube.com/hiptranquilchick.
Au Revoir: To close out the show, we’re playing vOX by The Shanghai Restoration Project from Promonet. You can learn more about their music in the shownotes.
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